An Unexpected Happy Place

May 9, 2012

I haven’t exercised steadily in years, and it shows.  The Lord did something special for me, I think.  I was *tricked* into joining the new gym in town because my cousin had secured a sweet group deal that meant that the fee was two for the price of one.  In order to be considered a group, they needed four people: my cousin, his wife, my husband, + me.  I was very hesitant to join wondering if I would actually use the membership (because my m.o. has been just to talk about doing something) but after the sweet deal and some convincing/coercing from others, I decided to take one for the team and join. 

Come to find out, said sweet deal was only for the first month inscription, and not a monthly group discount.  IS this a case of a Spanish to English miscommunication or God helping me out?  As it turns out, I think of the four people I am the only one consistently using the membership.  Now, I am not saying this to toot my own horn, because this is not a “me” thing, it is a GOD thing.  I have been going to the gym to do aerobics as often as I am able because I found an unexpected happy place there.  Let me tell you why (other than the obvious reasons of endorphins, better health, feeling great):

My aerobics instructor, Jonathan (pronounced Jo-NO-tan), is a piece of work, and I mean this in the nicest possible way.  He yells.  He dances.  He locks the door so that no one can escape (FOR REAL!)  He prances.  When he turns around, the women in the class stop until they think he is ready to turn back around and then they quickly start back up for fear for their lives.  He will CALL YOU OUT if you stop or take a break or wimper.  He even gives the little old ladies in there who are trying their bestest to keep up with his gyrations a difficult time if they fall behind OR heaven forbid – stop! 

I try my hardest not to make eye contact him, which is not all that difficult because after he shows us what move to do, he watches himself dance in the mirror – and let me tell you, the guy can M.O.V.E.  After I got over being offended that most of the time he is not doing the same exercises as the class but continues to yell at everyone to “SIGA! SIGA! SIGA!” while he checks himself out in the mirror, I started to be distracted from my physical pain by his dance performance, which is very entertaining by the way.    So everyday that I am able to work out, I leave the gym sweaty and with a big, fat smile on my face that not only did I exercise and receive a free performance but am  thankful that the Lord orchestrated my being there.  It is my new, unexpected happy place.  Thank you, Lord.

P.S.  I would love to include a video snippit of my class  because I really think you will have to see to believe, but I haven’t built my courage up yet to ask him if this would be possible.  However, this is probably not the last you will hear about this. 


  1. LOVE IT! I'm glad you finally blogged about this. Now for the video! :) Too bad the discount is only for the first month!!

  2. How fun, I want to go with you after I pop this baby out - I miss doing exercise classes (back in my pre-DR life...:)


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